Welcome to the home of the quirky kids books series My Crazy Stories by Daniel Georges. 🙂
What makes My Crazy Stories series quite special is that it focuses on kids’ character building by encouraging young readers to develop self-confidence and emotional intelligence as they grow up.

Here you will find loads of good stuff: Free kids books, new releases, activities, reviews and much more… To start, how about a FREE ebook? Yes, it’s totally free to download and read! How cool is that?

YAY! A new book joins the series!
The Good for Nothing Frogs is a laugh-out-loud picture book with two wicked characters, a king and his crocodile chef, and a whole bunch of frogs that deliver a comedy punch to crack up both kids and adults. Loads of giggles… and ribbits!
“The tale flows with the finesse of a fairy tale, and yet, packs a few quirks which are sure to gain more than a smirk or two. Still, it’s the writing which really makes this book shine…” – The Bookworm for Kids Review

Always loving the cute pictures and videos sent by the wonderful fan readers! Send yours to hello@mycrazystories.com!

A unique book for every essential educational theme!

Meet Sally… the prettiest girl in town with her gorgeous purple hair. To become even prettier, she decides not to cut it EVER AGAIN. She is very stubborn! Her crazy long hair is about to put her bratty nerves to the test…
What will children learn from this book? Children will learn to be self-confident but not stubborn to refuse change when things don’t go their way. Hidden behind this cute kids book is the ultimate strategy to succeed in life: Be persistent and flexible to always come out a winner!

Will is perfectly happy in his own creative world. When a new kid enters his life uninvited, his bubble is about to burst. But wait… Doesn’t friendship come when you least expect it?
What will children learn from this book? This awarded kids book will encourage children to seek meaningful friendships that can positively impact their growth. Making friends is not easy, especially for kids. No matter how different we feel, we can always find a special friend when we decide to open up. Let’s make awesome friends!

The frogs made the terrible mistake of disturbing King Grouchel’s precious sleep. Along with Krockel, his crocodile chef, the two are up for the unthinkable… A forest free of those pesky creatures!
What will children learn from this book? Raising the children’s sensitivity towards nature and wild life has never been more important. This kids book inspires awareness and respect for all creatures that contribute to the balance of our wonderful natural environment. No matter how small, they are all good for something!

Kyle has no money to buy his dad a birthday gift. His crazy solution is to sell his dad’s old shoes! But when people stop him asking for help, kind Kyle will soon find himself empty-handed. Can Kyle still get his dad a gift?
What will children learn from this book? Do we need to be kind and generous? Should we assist people when they need help? This kids book is all about encouraging kindness and developing children’s sense of empathy and doing good without expecting anything in return.

Maya wants someone to tell her a secret… ANY secret! But she can’t find someone to tell her one. When she finally learns one hush-hush information, will she keep quiet about it?
What will children learn from this book? This awarded kids book is a wonderful conversation starter between parents and children about the delicate topic of secret keeping. Kids will learn when secret keeping is harmless and when speaking up is needed. Advance your kids’ critical judgment and build trust with them by reading this book together.

Ronnie loves being lazy… and eating candy. When a hungry giant jelly bear threatens to devour all his town, his bad habits will need to change. Ronnie has to jump, run and outsmart the giant bear. Will he save his town?
What will children learn from this book? A healthy lifestyle can be taught to children at an early age with lifelong positive effects on both body and mind. Using self-projection storytelling, this kids book will encourage children to confidently conquer laziness and bad eating habits. Let’s eat healthy and stay active!

Johnny and Elvis are brothers who don’t like to share ANYTHING. Absolutely NOTHING! One day they will get a mysterious box and in it an unusual cat. One cat for two brothers? A big rumble is about to happen! But this is not ANY cat…
What will children learn from this book? Children often get feisty at the fear of losing possession over an item they cherish. Teaching sharing is always a challenge especially in the case of siblings. This kids book encourages children to be sensitive and understand sharing as an act of spreading happiness. Start sharing the love!

Woot Woot!… After being featured in Story Monsters Ink, the renowned literary resource for kids books in the United States, How I Made a Friend won 1st Place in the 2020 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards in the Picture Books 6 & Older category! Thank you Story Monsters Ink for this certificate of excellence in children’s literature! 🙂

The Bookworm for Kids blog reviews The Good for Nothing Frogs and what a sweet review it is… Thank you Tonja Drecker for those wonderful words! Check the full review here!

What readers are saying about books in this series:

“For anyone who has read one of Daniel’s stories, this set of kids books is the gold at the end of the treasure hunt! … Strongly recommended” – Grady Harp / Amazon Top Reviewer for Children’s Books

“The illustrations in this book are adorable and the message is spot on.” – Barbara Mojica / Amazon Top Reviewer for Children’s Books

“Juvenile psychology undercover in kids books!” – Ana Cristina Gergi

“Very clever storytelling. Highly recommended to be read during family quality time!” – Adrian Stanciu

“Some books written for children try too hard. A good book doesn’t have to — and this is a good book.” – Chris Fow Cohen

“A fun book to help kids break down complex emotions.” – Mom Read It Blog

Our awesome friends at Kiddingly.in reviewed the book The Good for Nothing Frogs and created this tutorial to teach you how to draw a frog! Click the image below to start drawing! Make sure to check their site for lots of reviews and more doodling activities! Thank you Kiddingly!

Wow! You scrolled all the way here to meet me? That’s so sweet of you! I was feeling lonely down here…
Nice to meet you! 🙂
I am Daniel Georges, author and illustrator of the quirky MY CRAZY STORIES kids books series. Thank you for reading my books!
I am working on new ‘crazy’ stories that will come out soon. I’d love to hear from you, so don’t be shy! Send me an email to: hello@mycrazystories.com
You can also join me on Facebook and Goodreads.

International Rights Inquiries:
The Americas, Europe, Oceania and Africa Monica Meehan monica@dropcap.com www.dropcap.com | Asia Contact literary agent Chloe Pan chloe@rightol.cn www.rightol.com Middle East and North Africa Contact literary agent Ahmad Zouelm ahmad.zouelm@literarysapiens.com www.literarysapiens.com |
All General Inquiries: hello@mycrazystories.com